An Encomium on Henry VIII and Elizabeth I by George Etheridge — British Library Royal MS 16 C X
This annotated edition and translation of George Etheridge’s autograph Encomium on King Henry VIII addressed to Queen Elizabeth I is the result of concerted effort. Without the help, support and encouragement of the following contributors the realisation of this project would not have been possible.
We would first of all like to thank the British Library for their fruitful collaboration and support in providing us with high-resolution digital images of the Royal MS 16 C X, and for their kind permission to reproduce them in our edition. We would also like to express our thanks to the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae® Digital Library Project at the University of California, Irvine, the Perseus Digital Library Project at Tufts University, and The Archimedes Digital Research Library Project, a joint endeavour of the Classics Department at Harvard University, the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG) in Berlin, the English Department at the University of Missouri at Kansas City, and the Perseus Digital Library Project at Tufts University, for their kind permission to link our edition with entries in their online Liddell and Scott-Jones (LSJ), Greek Lexicon and Lewis and Short (LS), Latin Dictionary.
We gratefully acknowledge the financial support we have received from the Hellenic Institute and the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Research Initiative Fund at Royal Holloway, University of London towards the completion of the first stage of the project.
Among students and colleagues who have been contributing with their enthusiasm and hard work to the common effort we would like to express our deep thanks to Michail Konstantinou-Rizos for transcribing, editing and translating George Etheridge’s Latin dedication to Queen Elizabeth I; Dr Vasos Pasiourtides for transcribing and editing the Greek text; Dr Christopher Wright for translating and annotating the Greek text and the translation, and for composing the sections on The Author and The Text; Dr Konstantinos Palaiologos for converting the text to HTML, mapping and linking words and semantic units in the transcribed, edited and translated text; Philip Taylor for designing and developing the electronic side of the edition and for his advice on all technical and non-technical aspects of the project; and Robert Turner for his help in designing the website. We are deeply grateful to Dr Scot McKendrick, Head of History and Classics at the British Library, for his co-operation and for his contribution with the section on The British Library’s Collection of Greek Manuscripts; Dr Annaclara Cataldi Palau for her description of the Royal MS 16 C X; and Dr Micha Lazarus for his article on Greek Studies in Tudor England. We would also like to express our warm thanks to Professor Caroline Macé for her co-operation and support in the preliminary phase of the project.
Last but not least, we would like to thank the Revd Dr Andreas Löwe, College Chaplain and Gavan Lecturer in Theology, Trinity College, The University of Melbourne, for the encouragement he offered us when we approached him at the inception of the project to learn more about his work on George Etheridge.
In the end, we may not be able to thank enough all of our students, friends and colleagues who discussed with us various aspects of the project. The common joy we all feel in offering this electronic edition to the academic community and the public is the best reward for the very hard work involved.
Charalambos Dendrinos